Monday, August 21, 2006


Last week I went to Koyasan for the first time. Koyasan is one of the largest mountain areas in Japan and its reputation is well deserved at nearly 1000m above sea level. Despite the amount of Japanese obaasans and ojisans on the Hankyu package tours it was a great day. It was abut 5 degrees cooler than Osaka and the sun shone all day long. I recommend it to everyone, however, take the train - don't take the bus!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Cairns, Australia

I'm back after 3 weeks. I wasn't quite prepared for the heat but I think I am happy to be back. It was nice to see my students again and of course the girlfriend. Cairns was a little different but still undeniably home. Much as I like Osaka it will never take the place of Cairns in my mind. I took as mmany pictures as my camera could handle (191) to be exact. I won't post them all here but I will show you some that have the best memories attached.